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  Big Sur Writing Workshops  

For Picture Books through Young Adult Books

Since 1997, Andrea Brown has been running the Big Sur Children's Writing Workshop every winter with occasional offshoot conference locations. ​She has brought in outstanding editors from the top publishing houses, both large and small, and successful authors to make up an experienced and giving faculty. This workshop has an excellent faculty-to-attendee ratio and is a weekend that provides ample opportunities for faculty/attendee interactions, both formal and informal. It has been the source of many successful author/agent relationships and many publishing deals, including one for more than half a million dollars.

These workshops are designed for writers whose works are nearly ready for publication. Therefore, to be accepted for a workshop, writers are required to submit of a sample of their writing. Hands-on editorial work is the focus of these workshops, and there are breakout sessions on various important aspects of the publishing industry. Faculty and attendees take all meals together and socialize in an intimate and inspirational setting. Important alliances have come out of these workshops—many successful publishing deals, lasting writer/agent relationships, ongoing critique groups, and industry friendships and connections.

The Big Sur Children's Writing Workshop is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers. Click here for our full anti-harassment policy.

Writer's Workshop in Monterey

February 21-23, 2025


Courtney Code, Senior Editor, Abrams

Feather Flores, Editor, Simon & Schuster/Atheneum

Summer Dawn Laurie, Editor-at-Large, Blue Dot Press

Melissa Manlove, Executive Editor, Sourcebooks

Meriam Metoui, Associate Editor, Penguin Random House/Viking

Eileen Robinson, Editorial Director, Charlesbridge


Jody Carr

Eric Elfman

Deborah Halverson

Isabella Kung

Kirsten W. Larson

Stephanie Lucianovic

Tim McCann

Mitali Perkins

Dev Petty

Victoria Pointek

Mae Respicio

Lisa Riddiough

Tamara Ireland Stone

Aiden Thomas


Andrea Brown

Analía Cabello

Jemiscoe Chambers-Black

Jamie Weiss Chilton

Saritza Hernández

Sally Kim

Jennifer Laughran

Kathleen Rushall

Jennifer March Soloway

Kelly Sonnack

Paige Terlip

Caryn Wiseman

scholarship submissions open May 10-June 1

You can also find our agents at these writing workshops:

Additionally, we present at many SCBWI regional conferences and events and guest lecture at various writing programs at colleges and universities.

Backspace Writers Conference
Book Passage Children's Book Writing Conference
California State University Summer Arts Festival
Cuesta College Writer's Conference
Hilton Head Writers' Conference
Jack London Writers' Conference
Maui Writers Conference
Pacific Northwest Writer's Conference
Palm Springs Writers Conference
Pikes Peak Writers Conference
San Diego State University Writers' Conference
San Francisco Writers' Conference
Society of Children's Book Writers Conferences in all regions
Southwest Writers Conference
Southwest Writers' Conference in Tucson, AZ
Singapore Children's Book Conference
Surrey International Writers Conference
Texas Writer's League
The Virginia Festival of the Book
Willamette Writers Conference

© Andrea Brown Literary Agency, Inc.

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